The Giggleswick Kendal Winter League took place on the 16th January 2022.
27 Settle Harriers out of a field of 117 Juniors 

We’ll start with the oldest this week and Dougie, not strictly still a junior, but running his first race in the Seniors. He came a magnificent second in an outstanding field which included international athletes. Well done Dougie!
2nd Dougie
In the U15 Girls race it was fantastic to see Bella joining Lucy and both of them having excellent runs. These two have been in the oldest training group for a full term now and the gradual increase in training intensity is showing in their strength and endurance.
U15 Girls
3rd Lucy
10th Isabella
There was a win for Jack in the U15 Boys! Even though we’ve become so used to Jack crossing the line in first place, each one of these victories deserves to be celebrated as it’s not easy to maintain that level of focus and fitness week after week, and sometimes on consecutive days. Well done Jack! Robbie had a terrific run to finish 5th while Mack and Charlie looked relaxed and confident in this new age category. Finn, we hope you recover swiftly from your injury.
U15 Boys
1st Jack
5th Robbie
14th Mack
19th Charlie
In the U13 Girls Annabel, Mabel and Francesca went off at a well-judged pace, maintained their positions well and all finished with a sprint, showing their brilliant running form. The drills are paying off!
U13 Girls
3rd Annabel
8th Francesca
10th Mabel
It was all change this week in the U13 Boys race with Ben taking the highest spot for the harriers. The boys in this age group are so evenly matched that it’s always so close depending on the terrain, hills and distance, where they all have different strengths. Thomas had a confidence boosting run to finish just behind Ben, Ewan a second behind and strong finishes from Carl and Ed, it was certainly exciting to be at the home straight!
U13 Boys
4th Ben
5th Thomas
6th Ewan
12th Carl
15th Edward
There were lots of newcomers in the U11 Girls race and their enthusiasm in the warm up, excitement on the start line and determination during the race were a joy to watch. They were unphased by the hills, the mud and the stream crossing…in fact they embraced them all! Super work Lucy, Mia, Edie, Amelie, Edie, Bethany and Anya. Mia, it was great to see you back smiling at training tonight.
U11 Girls
5th Lucy
16th Edie H
17th Amelie
18th Edie A
19th Bethany
20th Anya
And finally, our stars in the U11 Boys. Led by experienced athlete James they all ran superbly. Stanley built on last week’s run and looked great and Christopher, also in only his second fell race, ran brilliantly. Toby did a spectacular sprint finish and always looks as though he’s enjoying it! I was especially proud of William who returned to the start line this week and ran with spot-on pace judgement and courage.
U11 Boys
7th James
13th Stanley
15th Toby
18th William
19th Christopher