Hodgson Brothers Relay, Sun 2nd October

Well done to our Hodgson Brothers Relay Team who took part in this prestigious relay in the Lakes on Sunday 2nd October.  The race started in Patterdale and the format as usual was 4 stages for pairs with differing distances & routes for each leg.

We finished 43rd out of 70 competing teams and 8th out of 14 mixed teams (mixed = 4 men & 4 ladies).  This was an excellent result as we only had short notice to raise a team having been on the waiting list until a week before the event.  Hopefully we will be included as of right next year – maybe we’ll be allowed 2 teams even – so get in training !

Our leg times and positions after each leg are as follows

Leg 1:  31st : Carol & Roger (leg time 48:00)

leg 2 : 42nd :  Rachel & Mark (1:27:50)

Leg 3 : 51st : Sharon & Hester (1:21:28)

leg 4 : 43rd  Fraser & Alex (1:26:49)

Photos courtesy of Roger are shown below