Hutton Roof – Report & Results

Well done to the 11 juniors that took part in these races on  Sat 26th May, which were part of the Hutton Roof Annual Fete.  The races also counted for our junior club championships.  The weather was very hot and we had some great performances, with our juniors taking a number of prizes.

Prize winners were James and Sam, 1st & 2nd in the Under 13 boys, Sonny & Ben 2nd & 3rd in the U15s and Toby 2nd in the Under 17s.

It was good to see Isaac and Izzy and Lola scoring their first club championships of the year. Lola bravely completed her race despite sustaining an injury in her race.

Settle Harriers Results

U9 Boys      
5 Carl Sanderson 5:51
U11 Boys      
4 Ben Brassington 4:51
5 Jack Sanderson 4:54
10 Isaac Mitton 5:15
U13 Boys      
1 James Brassington 13:56
2 Sam Greenep 15:26
U13 Girls      
8 Izzy Ashton-Fitch 23:14
10 Lola Ashton-Fitch 29:55
U15 Boys      
2 Sonny Ashton-Fitch 13:46
3 Ben Greenep 13:48
U17 Boys      
2 Toby Winnard 27:42