Structure and Scoring

  • To qualify for the Championship, members must help out in at least one of the races organised by the club: Handicap, PYG, Settle Hills, Ingleborough, or assist in the running of the club in some other way. (This includes coaching/assisting in coaching sessions, organising club social runs and events, committee membership).
  • Runners must complete four races from at least two categories (S, M, L) and at least one of these must be a Medium length. If you only race in two categories, you must complete at least two Medium races.
  • All four races can be named Championship races but if you like you can use an ‘open’ category race as your fourth counter.
  • An open category race can be any race where at least four Settle Harriers have finished the event. Inclusion of a particular race by one member does not require the other members racing on that day to do likewise.  The ‘open’ race does not have to be identified ahead of time.
  • Scores will be calculated as a percentage of the fastest know time for the event – calculated separately for males and females.

Scoring System

The system is based on each runner’s time relative to the fastest know time for the race in their gender category.

The benefit of this percentage based scoring system is that members will consistently score a similar number of points in each race.  This gives a more accurate representation of relative abilities across the year if everyone completes the championship.  There will be recognition of participation, but not through points, contributing to the running championship.

How does the percentage points system work?

  • Take each person’s time and divide by the fastest known time (male and female separately).
  • This means converting the two times into seconds to be able to do the division.
  • Then you divide 1 by this number and then multiply by 100 to get the person’s score.
  • This is a system used for the Lakeland Classics Trophy, orienteering events and quite a few other clubs. The examples below illustrate the method, but calculations will all be completed by the co-ordinator and shared on a regular basis.

Some examples…

Example 1
A person running a new record for the race!
Their time divided by the fastest known time is obviously 1.
1 divided by 1 multiplied by 100 gives 100 points, so anyone actually setting a new record scores 100 points.

Example 2
A person takes twice as long as the FKT.
Their time divided by the FKT is 2.
1 divided by 2 multiplied by 100 gives 50 points.

Example 3
A person takes half as long again as the FKT.
Their time divided by the FKT is 1.5.
1 divided by 1.5 multiplied by 100 is 66.667 points.


  • Prizes will be awarded for the three women and three men with the highest scores who fully qualify for the championship according to the rules above
  • Prizes will be awarded to the first V50 and V60 woman and man (based on age on 1 Jan 2024). Individuals may only win one prize.
  • Runners completing five or more races will receive a prize.
  • There will be a prize for the runner with the greatest number of races plus ‘ticks’ for marshalling and other volunteer activities.